I smoked some bass today! But you can smoke anything you want! He He!
I enjoy any kind of fish smoked. My favorite is a whitefish..It's what I grew up on.
Every Sundays we would drive from Erie, PA to Westfield, NY
to grandma's for Sugo, Sugo is the Italian word for any kind of sauce
in our family. All the Aunts, Uncles and cousins would be there to
enjoy the pasta. My mom would make a few stops on the way. The 1st
STOP was Arnone's Bakery & Italian Deli (no website found) Just this video
the fresh Italian bread and peperoni balls. I don't think you can find a
peperoni or fish ball any place but Erie,PA (I've never seen them)
would toss a peperoni balls back to my sisters and I. The fresh warm
fried dough ball stuffed w/ peperoni or anchovies. I remember those
Sundays as though it was yesterday.
The next STOP was for fresh farm eggs..We would want a dozen of the double yokes.
Ahhh then, the last stop before Grams was, and not every Sunday, maybe
once a month or so in Westfield, NY near grams the Barcelona Harbor on
Lake Erie for the smoked fish. That is where my appreciation began for
smoked fish and foods. I look back at moments like this and see my
appreciation for food started at a young age.
little smoke shack, with all the fish hanging.. I remember mom would
let us pick the fish. I wonder if that shack is still there. I will have
to see the next time I go home. I remember like I was there last
Sunday. THX Mom
Fish Brine Solution -
You can use just about anything you like. rules, what rules, there are
NO Rules on what should go into the brine other than definitely salt and
some sugar. I use what ever I have on hand.. Just brine your fish, this is an important step for smoking fish, it cures and keeps the fish moist, so the fish is not to dry.. Got to love the work MOIST. I brined my fish over night. But a few hrs will be just fine.
1 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup Non-iodized salt
2 cups soy sauce/optional use broth
1/2 tsp. Onion powder
1/2 tsp. Garlic powder
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce
1 cup dry white wine
*Rinse fish with cold running water
after curing to remove the excess salt and other seasonings from the
surface , allow fish to air dry before putting on smoker.
OOPS!!! I almost forgot, I stuffed my fish with apple and onion slices..YOU can too.
Smoking Process:

Start the smoking process by soaking wood
chips. I used apple wood chips I get from CA.
Apple Hill near Placerville, CA Got to love Apple Hill in Sept.
Smoke filets or whole fish in a steam / smoker for 1 1/2 to 4 hours, or until the fish
flakes. I smoked this 2.5lb for 4hrs.
I always spray
my racks with Pam. Set the rack with the fish filets above the smoking
wood chips (follow your smoker directions). My smoker I put a water
bowl on top of the charcoals, I put water wine and spices in the water..
The water slows the cooking process down and lowers the temp. so it's a
low heat/slow smoke.
Smoke 2 to 3 hours, depends on the thickness of the filets. reheat your
smoker w/ a slow, smoldering fire, make sure you have enough charcoal
in your smoker if you are using a charcoal smoker, you don't want to run
out of charcoal 1/2 way through smoking as I have done before. I add
the chips directly on charcoal..don't be skimpy on the wood chips. Use
just enough wood
to maintain a steady smoke. I love the pleasant mild smoky flavor, I
read that to
much smoke will cause the fish to taste bitter. (has not happened