Buying a NEW HOME? Bring Your Buyer’s Representatives with you a Realtor
Bring Your Buyer’s Representatives a Realtor
Why Every New Home Buyer Needs the Representation of a Realtor

New home sales here in Phoenix are UP, and have been for some time NOW, and here in the Phoenix Area buyers are searching for a Newly Constructed or yet-to-be-constructed home. Unlike conventional home buyers, these buyers are generally less knowledgeable about real estate than the HOME SELLER are, since the sellers of NEW HOMES are DEVELOPERS and that’s what they do for a living.
Because of the special complexities of a new home purchase, BUYERS are in desperate need of representation and counseling. Buyers NEED there OWN Representation. But many buyers feel when purchasing a New home, that they don't need a Realtor. When in fact it is preferred.
Realtors Are Your Advocate During the Process * Bring A REALTOR * The new Home Builder will have you sign a waver letting you know that THEY represent THE BUILDER NOT YOU!
Employing the services of a Realtor, particularly when purchasing a newly constructed home, will give buyers an extra line of defense against many of the common issues that arise during the buying process. Rather than battling the builder ALONE when problems arise during construction, your Realtor will take matters into their own hands and work to assure that any problem is corrected in a way that is suitable to you.
Realtors are also experienced in contracts and contract negotiations. While the wording of a contract may be somewhat cryptic to the buyer, a Realtor can clarify any wording that is confusing and work to get changes made to contract stipulations that are unsuitable. This will help to prevent misunderstandings and misleading contract terms that are binding, once a purchase agreement is signed.
While some have successfully purchased homes directly from a builder, buyers should ask themselves if this is a risk that they are willing to take. In most cases, the peace of mind and protecting that is given by using a Realtor is well worth their commission. By choosing to purchase a newly constructed home through a Realtor, the likelihood of a positive outcome is almost assured, from start to finish.
Call Linda Wieczorek 602-391-8246